Our staff are the driving force behind all of our activities. Each one of them bring a wealth of passion, dedication and fun to their roles.

Faith Motivated 

Our faith drives us to make a difference. We follow the example of Jesus who gave to those who were poor, oppressed and mistreated. 


We value meaningful connections. We show respect, empathy and compassion to those we engage with. 

Responsive to Need 

We offer both practical and emotional support. In meeting those in crisis we always look to offer a suitable next step.  


We are whole person rather than single issue focused. We recognise the multiple needs of each person we work with.  


What you see is what you get. We believe in honesty, integrity and openness in all our interactions, operations and finances.  


We love to work in partnership. We believe that cooperation enables us to be far more effective.  

Nothing is more important to us than the protection of children, young people and adults at risk who engage with Imagine If Trust -whether you are a service user, employee, participant, or volunteer, you have the right to feel safe and protected when you participate in any of our services.

As a charity we will ensure that we have the right safeguarding people, processes and systems in place to systematically monitor and minimise the risks to our stakeholders, and to respond rapidly and effectively to safeguarding issues as they occur. This policy sets out how our safeguarding framework achieves this.

We seek to create a safe and welcoming environment, where our safeguarding practice is widely understood and openly discussed, and where the workforce recognises the role they play in keeping children, young people, adults at risk, themselves and their colleagues, safe from harm.

You can view our full Safeguarding Policy here.